Inspiring Designs Start With Inspiring people



Think different, behave different
We develop the innovative qualities that enable such results.
“There are three elements to this.” The people in our company, the processes we have and the philosophies we have.” The essence of the innovator is that he or she not only thinks differently from other people, but also behaves differently.

PROGETTO DSIGN “If you walk into our world and follow us for a day, you could see us behaving in ways that will generate new ideas. We have the Innovator’s DNA skills. We observe the world really carefully. We talk to all different kinds of people. We are more than willing to engage in different kinds of experiments, constantly peppering the world and the people around us with questions that provoke people and challenge the status quo.”

We too, are always asking questions and looking out for the unexpected:
“Why not this? Why couldn’t we do that? What’s going on here? How could we do this better?” When someone “behaves that way, acts differently, asks lots of questions, observes like an anthropologist, experiments constantly, networks for new ideas,” we at PROGETTO DSIGN observes that “we will get incredibly insightful ideas about new businesses, new products, new services, breakthrough processes: things that will make a difference for any company or country.”

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